Tuesday, December 6, 2011

So will you please shut up...

Silence they say is a virtue, besides it being golden (blah!) and those who maintain a dignified silence reign supreme.
I was very smartly told yesterday that Abraham Lincoln said, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt".

Hmmmn.. If one goes by inference alone, that would mean yours' truly has a runaway mouth and is a fool. And to be honest, I do! I have the classic Foot in the Mouth disease.

And it's getting worse, I can sense that. Motor mouth is going all a flashing, ablaze and bringing in its wake a trail of nonsense behind. I'm wondering now, is this is a disease? Is it genetic? Is it acquired? And most importantly, Is it curable?

God help me and all those I interact with if it aint.

Have decided, I will be a woman of few words from now - till when, I cannot promise, but will try. Will make a conscious effort to zip the gob. High time I guess, have noticed that Alder is turning out to be like his mater. Every time I go to his school, the teachers seem to know everything there is to know except the color of my underwear (phew!) well... I hope!

But seriously, I will measure, weigh and carefully construct my sentences henceforth...

And God Bless me and my grand scheme!

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