Friday, December 2, 2011

But you love me Daddy...

Just got off the phone with my parents. I talk to them about twice a week, Friday being my turn to call them.
No matter how old we grow or how far we live, our parents remain the ties that bind, the roots that hold and the relationships that make us.
It tugs at my heart strings when Dad says... aaa Meltaaa or sometimes... Meleeetaaa.
I'm a parent of 2 teenagers, but when I hear Dad's loving voice say Meltaa, I melt.
God grant me the strength to keep my parents with me when they need it most.
I call mum, Ammi or sometimes Mother India, just to hassle her. :D
It's so easy to get her goat.. N I'm horrid!! My children keep berating me at the way I talk to mum.
That woman though is the Wind Beneath my Wings. My greatest and biggest fan. She's the ONLY person in the world who I can say to as it occurs in my head without the edits.
The days spent with her, singing Jim Reeves songs, Carpenters, Abba, BoneyM are all magic. Her favorite songs, Send me the Pillow that you Dream on, Mother of Mine, Que Sera Sera, Tie a Yellow Ribbon round the Old Oak Tree, Knock Three Times are all my fav too now.
How wonderful it is to have the strength of these wonderful spirits.
We are in so many ways replicas of our parents temperaments and character. Though we may not like that too much.
I wish to imbibe the best of both of them and hope my children will one day say, 'Yeah she was kinda weird but cool'.

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