Saturday, April 6, 2013

I missed the bus...

I missed the bus...

Like candy bars stacked on a shelf
The gleaming buses neatly arranged
Waiting with mute impatience
Ready to flag off to predestined shores

I strolled with seeming nonchalance
Without looking to appear askance
No plan or design or providence is mine
Find myself climbing a bus that I know not goes where

She fills up in stages
Some zip in with no baggage
Others carry their load of burden
Then there are those who float aimless

As with the lethargic and slow
Content to be, exist, to live
No plan in place, nor ready for the race
Unarmed and naive, ambling along... there went me

That was the bus that did catch I
Sandy shores and verdant green
Stark desert and gleaming steel
The bus chugged hiccuping alone

Sometimes I felt the compass was in me
Other times I knew that the directions were askew
But now I know crystal clear
Truth it is... I missed the bus

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