What's in a name after all. If I was not Melita, would I not be the same me? Does my name add any value to me as a person, does it alter my personality in any way and am I better off/ worse...
Most people are very sensitive about their name. If you dont get the name right, it is a serious affront and quite unforgivable too. I consider myself a pretty chilled out person but I have to admit to being guilty of losing it when some poor bloke couldn't get my name right. It was incomprehensible why a name as simple as mine with only 3 syllables couldn't be pronounced. I was assertive, adamant and pushy untilI was satisfied that I had imprinted my name on the unfortunate soul whose native language had limited RP for sure.
As always when I mulled over the incident, I felt foolish (sigh....!!!! it's a state I'm in constantly) and wondered why I reacted as strongly as I did. Oh! And..... my name already has so many variations, Mel... Melli... M@lita... Melta... If I can be accepting of them, what is all the fuss about.
I guess its the egoistical me that reacts when my name isn't said like it should be. I believe that most unpleasant and stupid actions are driven by our need to feed our ego. It has to be that I am happy, that I made a point! That..... I was able to 'put someone in his place' and 'taught someone a lesson'.
:( what a depressing thought... who am I really.... in the grand scheme of things and in this whole wide world that holds/ houses and nurtures gazillion living things... who am I really.... to matter?
Ah..... to be Bobby.... who doesn't give a damn what he is called, he responds lovingly to anything as long as the tone is affectionate!
Now that doesn't mean you can call me Melly flew ass, no matter how sweet the sound...
How about Lolita? I like the sound of that :-)
Rosu.... nuthin to beat HBMM!
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