Monday, February 4, 2013

Whoever says loving is easy needs to be shot... preferably where the sun don't shine

All we hear and read and is told to us, is that loving is the easiest thing in the world and that it should come naturally since it is the most exalted of all emotion and that it makes us pure, better than we aspire to be and is a gift in itself.

Ah no... I don't think it's as simple as that (the first person to raise her very beautiful eyebrows at this post will be Anjali for sure, I've been questioned after the last post about my harping on the theme of love). Anja... you know, you and me are damn cynical about most things, love included... yet I believe that deep rooted in this cynicism is an unshakable faith and hope and trust in love and now Shut Up and let me get on with this.

Yeah... is loving easy? Is it really as simple as that... in the first throes of courtship and love, it comes easily enough, when you hold your new born in your arms and as they grow into toddler's... it's a lark... The real test is when we are 'old' in a relationship and when the kids are in their teens and growing. The similar analogy can be used in any budding relationship, at work, with friends and pets even.
When it's new, it's magical!

All those poets and writers who spoke of love being easy, obviously spoke of early days... either they stopped writing as it got older or began writing ode's to inanimate objects, or they kept falling in love over and over again, maybe with different people or maybe with the same person.

That, I think is the secret, to fall in love repeatedly, with our partners, friends and children and all of those that we have loved. Falling in love is seeing things in new light, a new perspective and with fresh eyes, like dew drops in the early morning breeze as they capture the first ray's of the rising sun in their little crystal droplets which sparkle like tiny diamonds. That feeling of warmth and unbridled joy is intoxicating and those who have experienced this mania will always remain devoted to seeking it... This love negates every flaw, overrides all handicaps and overcomes all strife, infusing new life into the relationship, splashing it with new color and embellishing it with fresh flavor.

So fall in love... 'cos every time we fall, we rise a little bit above from the ordinary, ordain ourselves with magic dust and that is real exaltation in it's truest form...

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