Thursday, January 17, 2013


In finance, investment is putting money into something with the expectation of gain, usually over a longer term. This may or may not be backed by research and analysis. Most or all forms of investment involve some form of risk.

All of us make investments, and I'm not talking money here. As children we invest in the dreams our parents have for us, when we find a partner we invest our future in them for being the ones who will be our anchor while being our wings and as parents we invest in our children's future.

All of these investments are of faith, hope and love. While these are the broad classifications of our relationships, there are very many other vital alliances and affinities that we develop and cherish, with people we know and even with complete strangers, some who we do not see even.

When I drive, for example I am investing my faith in the person driving ahead of me, behind and alongside and in all the people on the road, cos' one accident means road blocks/ delays and full bladders (been there, done that!)

Every day and in a myriad ways, we invest either our faith or our hope our love... unmindful of the risk... and we hope that it's the ones we love who will ensure that it is mitigated and nullified.

The Holy Bible, in 1 Corinthians, chapter 13, verse 13 says, "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love".

Love grows with faith and trust...

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