Is the title of a hymn.
Is also a topic on which loads of poems, odes and songs have been written and sung. This terrible need to be loved, just the way you are, faults and all, is a universal hunger. Love which isn't only of the romantic variety, be it filial or in friendships, every one of us echoes this sentiment... the yearning to be allowed to be what we are and be loved despite.
As many people as there are and as many opinions that they may evince, to me this is the toughest thing to do and is really the true test of love. Can you love without being judgemental. Be it with your parents, partners, children, friends and the many relationships we have, can we really love them without trying to mould them, modify them, mend and bend them into being what we want them to be.
Each of us has our own set criteria of what is acceptable and correct and of that which is not. Our minds are made up and anything or anyone who doesn't fit into these little squares needs to be transformed into little clones of ourselves, to be mindful of and obedient of our rules. We constantly endeavor to change the people around us while claiming undying love for them.
And that is the greatest of all fallacies...
Understand this
As I comprehend that being you is essential to you
To breathe... to grow... to live...
I will step back
Fly away into a realm where you celebrate your life
We will meet... in those in-between spaces...
When you come to me
As I surely know you will, this love will draw you
Come as you... the one who is free...
Just as I am... without a plea
( Mother- if you ever read this... please know that I'm not being blasphemous)
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