Sunday, November 20, 2011

And so I learn.. everyday

It's amazing, life is really. Just when you think you may have seen it all, experienced it, risen with it, fallen and been beaten... life turns around to tell you that, 'you ain't learned anything yet'.

If I could rewind and return
repress and reassemble
re group and re align
I would....

The confidences
the laughter
the simple joy in being
the unaffected wonder...

People are just being themselves, the world rarely revolves around us does it. I would love to believe that we are so attuned to the people around us that we absorb energies, get rejuvenated by a warm spirit, bogged down by a troubled soul. Not as a philanthropic gesture or a self praising egoistic trip but rather as being true to what we really are, caring warm souls.

'Soul' - have been told that use the word so much that I should now say 'sole'.

Befitting really 'cos Sole is what this really is.

Sole is the wanderer
who seeks to play the role
Of that immense wonder
he believes is yonder

Lone and all alone
the path to atone
Acts of faith and trust
so easily gone to rust

What lies ahead is a false mirage
of broken cars in a rundown garage
Search in another for your own soul
And all you find that its but Sole

1 comment:

Anonymous said... this your work.