Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Synonyms for wretched - deplorable, execrable, miserable, woeful

Looked up Google for synonyms of wretched, that's a good word for the current mood. But didn't like the synonyms, I would not explain it in those words precisely.

Am I menopausal yet, these mood swings are unpredictable and dark. N to be fair to menopausing, I've been this way forever - aint the hormones, I've got the blues in my blood.

Hehehe... like that blue blooded has a different twist now huh!

As always, when blue.. ( say blue aloud... the endless possibility of the last vowel is beautiful)I turn inward, reflect, mull over, sink into, decimate, disseminate and fall into myself that soaks in and embalms in the churning.

Attribute it to Ayn Rand. Howard Roark is everyone's ideal and quintessential hero. I'm living Dominique. Can't shake her. I loved the anger, pain, rage, misery and the helplessness.

Have taken refuge under her skin right now.

That should explain why I'm sinking. Had I a Roark to fight for, would very much have done the same thing.

We fight for that which we love, we fight hard against losing that which we love and fight hardest to desensitise ourselves from the pain that is brought on by too much loving.

To the point that you distance yourself from that which is your life blood......

Mine's blue.

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