Thursday, September 22, 2016

When Autumn leaves gently fall...

Today, Sept 22nd is the day of the Winter Equinox, to put it simply, it's the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of spring in the southern. Well, to us who have only two seasons of summer and winter it doesn't mean much but for me it's a good time to do a recce on the seasons of the mind and soul.

While we are aware of the changing seasons in the environment we live in, how attuned are we to the transmutations of the self and do we need to.

I've noticed that sometimes if you just let things be, not really delve into the why's and how's... they have a tendency to fade into the sunset without a whimper. But then it's only to the dullard that enough is as good as a feast or so it is said (and if vanity isn't my second name, the Pope is Saraswat Brahmin! as Anjali would say...)

Autumn is the season for the deciduous trees to shed leaves... maybe the season for me to shed archaic notions that I have, this trait bordering on arrogance and even complacence. Irrespective of how hard I try, the specter of pride looms large and plays heavily on my psyche. A job well done, some flattery and the sense of accomplishment I have, seemingly innocent, turns into a massive chip on the shoulder and I become difficult to live with, even for myself.

Been listening to and gently humming Autumn Leaves and here's a personal version.

The falling leaves drift by my window
The flailing wind on my brow
I see myself in the summer of old
The many notions I used to hold

Since its time for the days to grow long
And soon I'll hear old winter's song
I must then surely take this call
When autumn leaves start to fall

Keep me grounded and ever so humble
Hold my hand lest I tumble
Make me laugh when I'm pissed and grumpy
Prep me up when I'm feeling frumpy

And most of all... help me be... when autumn leaves gently fall...

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