Sunday, November 15, 2020

A musings...

 Anjali and I were discussing Samira’s English assignment and were debating on the right answer to the question and Sam pipes, but there is no right answer, it’s in the interpretation. Out of the mouth of babes!

Can’t help but lament that the English teachers we had, had no background in teaching the classics really, not their fault I guess. It was the system and methinks this continues to date in Indian schools. We were taught poetry and prose and they all had to have a definitive answer, which is ridiculous. I get it that that there are rules to transcription that one needs to follow. Rather than teaching us those metrics, we were encouraged to accept the teacher’s understanding of the text. 

Similar to the formula applies to our grasp of life itself. Our culture/parents/environment/religion have conditioned us to believe that there is indeed a set blueprint we need to live by, which we do mindlessly and those who don’t are labeled.

Began the process of debunking theories and walked away from that which didn’t nourish growth of the soul. I ponder over the tenets of my rather shallow existence and find myself delving deeper into the recesses of the self. 

As I try to get down to the brass tacks, I examine my actions currently and compare them with how I used to emote. The amount I cringe at the many perspectives and the demeanor employed to execute them ensures that there are some muscles that are growing tighter, kegelly!

We are a bloody judgemental lot and that is the hardest shackle I’m trying to break free of. Almost at two score and ten years of age and yet I feel like I’m beginning afresh.

I have a deep appreciation of the Dutch culture and their ability to prioritize on and abide in the theory of individualism over collectivism. Of the conviction they exude in living their lives sans the prescription that I was raised with. To religion, morality, culture, affiliation, orientation, nation and the neighborhood gossip.

Nopes, not generalizing here. Like we have oddballs in our culture, I’m sure they do too. 

Not a lament on my background and culture either. Stating a fact as I see it. I do wish however that I employed the same with my children and allowed them the freedom to figure out which shade of the rainbow they are instead of deciding for them which they should be.

Well, one learns and I must say it’s liberating. Go easy on others and above all yourself is the current mantra. Life has no formula except one, kindness. The rest is BS.

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