Sunday, December 11, 2016

Mirror me...

Her sphinx like gaze never wanders 
Its unwavering gleam 
A conundrum that has me fixated 
Ambushed I am
Against my will
I’d like to run for cover 
Shroud myself in an infrangible armor
Talks too much this numen aperture

The tempestuous turbulence is more than this boat can ferry 
My path is chartered and there’s no room for diffidence 
Its drift secure and fuselage sound
The gig preempted and seats sold out
My tread sanguine and vision unwavering
This cover my shield and buckler

I steal a furtive glance 
An almost disquiet pervades my soul
Wretched this scrutiny
Atrocious her demeanor
An all knowing smile creeps into her countenance

Wicked Lorelei shameless hussy
Dissemble the oculus dexter and sinister
Bring her to her knees, make her entreat
Disarm deplete destroy her hubris
Annihilate mutilate exterminate her ubiquity

And yet I’m trapped and quite emasculated
My swan song replete yet godforsaken
I’m ensnared in someone else’s story
I bow down in defeat
Lift my eyes again and look straight into the mirror

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