Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Power of Me...

New age gurus and countless books that churn a helluva lot of money as well as discourses and lectures including the TED Talks that I so love, talk in some shape or form about the unlimited power of the human mind.

We read and hear but somehow doesn't seep into the brain like it should. I tried it and would like to share my experience.

I'm now facilitating culture shaping sessions for the company that I work for and I can safely say that it has given me new insights that I didn't have before or rather awakened the knowledge and put into practice what lay dormant.

Let me begin with my thinking. I am a victim or a victor based on how my thoughts are and although playing victim has been a safe zone so far, it's gotten monotonous. Victor is not necessarily a winner, it's just someone who chooses not to be a victim. I wish there was another word for it, survivor is too depressing.

Oh and the power of laughter!!! I'm in two crazy chat groups on Watsapp, one is with my school friends and the other are college mates. We have the silliest, cutest and the most heart warming conversations that make me double up n get the fits and it uplifts my mood each time, every time. I now laugh more than I did in the past year and this has so helped my mental well being.

This isn't a lecture and preach blog, just sharing some insights that have helped better my thinking.

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