Saturday, June 21, 2008


Had a long soak with my fav melon and apple bath and scented candles.. was heavenly only to be marred by my cellphone taking a dive into the water too.. Jeez!!

Have spent the day without the mobile and fankly have been immobile.. was embarrassing takin it around and explainin to the grinnin technicians about the mishap.

Got my answer to a rather niggling doubt I had yesterday morning though. Watched the movie 'The Oh in OHIO'. The rather sad preoccupation of sexual disfunction with the subjects whose 10 year marriage disintegrates cause she cannot come! Well.. she does get herself mechanised help and promptly gets addicted to it too.. so much that her faithful pager gets into her pants.. vibrator on ofcourse.. :)

Has a massive orgasm while it rings and boy.. does she come..

What a crock..

My poor phone had a teeny dive, was fished out of the water immediately and yet.. died on me..

The phone in the movie survived..

Gotta get that one....Else stop believing.. which I have.

Ah.. have to go buy myself a new phone.. and it hurts.. I loved.. love the one I have.. old faithful.. have dropped it countless times.. yet has survived. Melon and apple did it in.. :(

Hate the fact that I've lost my data though.

No commiserations from anyone.. 'you should have had a backup'.. is all I get.

True though.. I should have a backup.. I guess a backup plan is quintessential.. Maybe for all the awry ideas that flit in and out of my rather muddled head too..

I thrive in the confusion though...

So be it.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

sometimes wristwatches, mobiles , umbrellas may be pair of sandals get lost or stop working for a purpose. Its a sign that a loved one will definitely get an opportunity to gift you a new one. This time you sound like that real happy old mel from KT.MELON AND ROSES HAVE DONE YOU A LOT OF GOOD.