Monday, November 19, 2007

Virgin blog

With insouciance mired in curiosity i've viewed blogging for a while now and have been apprehensive to venture a tentative foot in its tepid waters. Rather virginal in its vacillation this feeling.
Why do i need to write.. to be read? If writing is a pure form of catharsis.. which it is for me.. my vanity pushes me to blog huh?

"When I have fears that I may cease to be
Before my pen hath teemed my gleaning brain" - Keats

Apparently I'm not the only one..


Tj said...

I can assure everyone who will read your blog...that they will surely enjoi every word of what you write!

Actually I am thrilled you have begun so, coz I know the person you are and can only imagine all the things you will write about!

Mel said...

eeps!! error in the first blog.. Keats (bless his soul) must be inconsolable I've misquoted him..
"When I have fears that I may cease to be

Before my pen hath gleaned my teeming brain"

Unknown said...

Lady!!you got a gift for writing it the pen or is it the mind? maybe both..wen da pen gets in to ya hand, ur mind starts controlling ur hand..
Happy Bloggin