Wednesday, July 29, 2015


What does one do when bitten by the jitterbug copulated with swing and salsa?

One gives in, sigh!

I can't stop dancing. I hear music in my head all the time and I spend an extra 3 minutes in the loo, dancing away in front of the mirror.

Methinks I need to keep a spare set of trainers there. Slip 'em on and twist and shake.

Actually may be a fantastic way to lose weight. My battle with the bulge continues and the bulge is emerging the clear winner looks like!

Can't stop the moves as I write this....

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sway me close...

Remember my earlier post when I was the back end of the camel and had to learn to sway in rythm?

I always knew I could sway alright! What I didn't reckon for is that while my body moved, my soul would follow too!

I fell in love on Friday.

I found someone I am attracted to and whose company I can grow old with, someone whose music springs from the depths of the soul, someone who doesn't need the cadences to sway.

I found me.

The person I've become is someone I celebrate.

You know well that this blog is a confessional. it's catharsis, and a coarctate.

My posts began as an angst ridden outpouring and moved to acceptance.

Time to complete the transformation into celebration.

And hell yeah! Call me narcissistic, egocentric, a megalomaniac.

If the shoe fits...

I wear it with pride.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Singularly cellular...

Its not the things or words you say but those that you leave hanging like moss that falls off trees during monsoons that the nucleus of the atom lies in.

In every pore that screams silently there is a cell that is slowly crumbling and decaying, laying to waste its futile life.

In that infinitesmal moment when you realise that the receding photosynthesis is not just the fading sunlight but an eclipse, you know the organelle lives in vitro.